Why Should I Use CIM Datamodels?

Using datamodels simplifies searching and can dramatically improve performance. This post is a breakdown of how this works, to answer the common question, "why should I use data models in Splunk?"

May 29 2021
Tags: splunk, data model, data model acceleration, ES, Enterprise Security, SIEM, log analytics, ITSI
Cool things you can do with Assets and Identities

The Assets and Identities framework is the heart of an ES deployment. This post is a brainstorming of use cases (obvious and less obvious) for these two tables, that hopefully provides motivation to get this data organized.

May 14 2021
Tags: ES, Enterprise Security, Assets and Identities, Splunk, SIEM, CMDB, data model, data model acceleration
This site is a JamSTACK Site

This site is an example of a JamSTACK architecture. I this post I detail how I use GCP services to manage my websites in accordance with CI practices.

Dec 5 2020
Tags: jamstack, GCP, cloud, cloud functions, Firebase, static website, CI/CD
What This Site is About

Introduction to my tech website. This website is meant to be a place for my personal thoughts on technology.

Oct 21 2020
Tags: music, tech, cloud, video encoding, sound design